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ZF Series Surgical Light

The cool, shadowless control, uniform, deep and visible-color illumination be provided by the ZF series ceiling mounted appropriate for installation in all different surgical suites. The optional internal/external camera system provides digital imaging for all surgical procedures. 

Cool Light Technology

The selected heat absorbing glasses with specially formulated optical coating remove the most of unwanted heat from the operating site by filtering out the infrared rays.

Superior Shadowless Control

It minimizes the operators’ shadow projection and renders details of the operating cut clearly meanwhile by ZF Series superior shadowless management.

Optimal Brightness

The light intensity can be regulated easily by the control box for operators’ needs.

Visible Color

ZF series keeps 4500±300°K by color correction control and C.R.I 93 from the light-declining.

Superior Light Depth

The special permutation and combination of prisms offers the light intensity more than 80CM.